Tell you guys something really shitty, my cell phone and a whole lotta cash were stolen from the bag I left in the gym locker. DAMN! I should've gotten myself a padlock or something to lock it up. GOD DAMN IT!!!
Alright, I've been using the FST-7 program for almost 2 weeks now and it is by far, the best program I've used. Yes, you heard me, THE BEST!
With only 45~60 seconds rest in between sets, the rest time is minimum and while I was hitting 3~4 working sets, I wasn't able to go as heavy as I did with Dorian's HIT. Though not as heavy, I reached multiple failures for quite a number of exercises.
For most parts, I roughly follow what's on the sample workout designed by Hany Rambod but there are some parts where I just do it according to my own liking. As far as I'm concerned, as long as I understand the concept and idea behind the program, I can alter the exercises to suit my liking as long as I follow the same principle. So the important pointers in this program are:
1st exercise (F-portion) is usually a compound exercise that helps promote blood flow to the fascia of the muscles and break up the muscle fibre with heavy weight, i.e., barbell bench press, barbell military press, etc.
2nd exercise (S-portion) is a stretching exercises which allows the fascia of the muscles to stretch and allow more room for the blood to flow in and also elongating the muscles, i.e., dumbbell flyes, leg extensions, etc.
3rd exercise (T-portion) is also a compound exercise but the movement of this exercise requires the lifter to squeeze at full contraction and usually have a better ROM than the exercise in the F-portion, i.e., dumbbell bench press, bench dips, etc.
4th exercise (7-portion) is an isolation exercise. Isolation exercises are usually much more difficult to execute but much safer in more occasion. Sometimes compound exercises that hits the targeted muscles a lot are also accepted for this portion, such as leg presses, barbell curls, etc. The high sets, low repetitions exercises push the muscles to failure with mid-heavy weight and promote blood flow into the muscles, creating an incredible pump to the muscles at the same time, i.e., cable crossovers, cable pullovers, etc.
And do note that biceps do not have a T-portion, as if it is included, it'll lead to overtraining. Small muscle groups such as rear delts and calves do not have both T & S-portion too.
I've written a lot and I don't I wanna bore you guys by going through every single detail of my workouts like I usually do (I don't remember them anyway). However, I'll be updating the blog soon with a sample workout I use for my FST-7 training. I'll also write down some of the obstacles I faced while doing them, etc. Don't worry, I'll definitely gonna change my blogging style to make sure not to bore you guys.
So for now, CIAOS!
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